

Irony is more like saying something that really isn't meant. Irony is used in my daily life by saying a lot of things that is meant for more then what was said, meaning something else that is concluded in what should have been said. I use it in most of my conversations just to make people think deeper of what im saying in order to get a laugh out of it. I also remember when one of my associates from work asked if there is anything else to do. I assigned him to "jam" which is a working term at my job meaning to put fruits in a jam basket so that we can prep for the next day. He went to the back and got his ipod and started jamming. I went to the back to make sure that the job was getting done and i seen him really dancing to music and the job wasn't getting done because he didn't know what i meant. It became a very funny thing to me because i never thought of it like that but i showed him what he was suppose to so that for next time he knows what i mean.

Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson The irony in this story is that everyone thought he had everything he wanted because he was rich but no one knew that he was really lonely and that one summer night he went home and put a bullet in his head because of that same reason. This provides that having everything isn't the key to this world.
© Illyanna Rock 2010